Monday, August 18, 2008

BrickGun’s Lego GLOCK Preps Your Kids for the Streets

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Want to teach your kid to be a gangster? Get him, or her, started early with BrickGun’s Lego GLOCK 17. Just like a regular Lego kit, BrickGun’s GLOCK 17 package lets you piece together the model, resulting in a replica that “captures the style and function of the real GLOCK to a tee.”

According to BrickGun, the Lego GLOCK allows you to cock and pull the trigger in the exact same manner that you would with the real deal. The Lego Glock also comes complete with a shell ejector port. Only BrickGun’s model doesn’t fire real projectiles.

The kit will run you $55, with an additional $5 tacked on for domestic shipping and handling. If the GLOCK 17 kit isn’t gangster enough for you or your young one, BrickGun also sells a few other Lego guns, including the GLOCK 19, Desert Eagle Mark XIV, and the Beretta 92FS.

keep moving

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